Traditional medicines, the Only Benefits?

To always get the good health and to keep his face still looks interesting is the dream of all people. Various recipes using a variety of traditional medicine may have often heard. By utilizing the fruits, leaves or other things commonly found in the kitchen as a spice in cooking or food supplement, it can also be used to address health and beauty problems. Khasiatnya been proven for several generations. What are the traditional medicine useful? So if traditional medicine is not dangerous?

Over the centuries, various drugs have been tried in humans to treat various diseases. Since the earliest days, most of the traditional medicine of herbal medicine has been used to treat disease. For example Ebers Papyrus, compiled in Egypt around the 16th century BC, contains hundreds of folk medicine for various diseases. However, herbal remedies are usually derived by word of mouth from generation to generation.

While there is argued that traditional medicine herbs or drugs are safer than pharmaceutical drugs of modern, traditional medicine is not risky. Warnings and recommendations what should be kept in mind when considering a herbal medicine or traditional medicine? Before discussing the risks of traditional medicine, here are some recipes of traditional medicine and medical facts of each recipe is believed to overcome some kind of illness and overcome problems for personal appearances.
Cholesterol and Diabetes

* Recipe: Boil bay leaf with laos and drink the cooking water.
* Fact: The leaves contain flavonoids greetings and tannins as the substance capable menurunkankan
Can also lower blood sugar levels.

Laos contains essential oils to help smooth the blood circulation and metabolic processes, including spending the rest of the excess cholesterol.


* Recipes: celery consumption on a regular basis.
* Fact: Celery contains the phthalide able to relax the muscles so that the lower arterial blood pressure for
patients with hypertension and also reduces the production of stress hormones.


* Recipes: Drink boiled water from the ginger, lemongrass and coriander.
* Fact: Ginger, lemon grass and coriander essential oils that will facilitate the circulation of blood also serves
as an analgesic to reduce pain in the head.


* Recipes: lemon water mixed with honey.
* Fact: Orange juice contains vitamin C which can improve the resilience of the body to fight the flu. Also
serves as an antiseptic that can remove toxins in the body.

Honey also functions as an antiseptic and can add strength to defeat the disease.


* Recipes: Apply honey on the wound
* Fact: Honey contains hydrogen peroxide and gluconic acid that will kill the bacteria that cause infections
and helps the growth of new cells so that the wound be quickly healed.


* Recipes: Scroll the betel leaf which has been cleaned and put into the nostrils.
* Fact: betel leaves are able to reduce bleeding, including bleeding in the nasal mucous membranes, as occurs
in people who experience these nosebleeds.

Mouth Odor

* Recipe: Boil some betel leaf, cloves and turmeric. Then gargle with the cooking water.
* Fact: betel leaf and cloves contains antiseptic. Turmeric contains kurkumin capable of dealing with
infections cause bad breath germs.


* Recipe: Boil some betel leaves and sambiloto.
* Fact: betel leaf act as an antiseptic. Sambiloto antiflamasi which serves as capable of killing fungi and prevent

Menstrual pain

* Recipe: Boil turmeric together with Javanese acid.
* Fact: Turmeric contains kurkumin. Java acid containing fruit acids that will make a smooth menstrual blood
and reduce stomach cramping.

Sleeping difficulty

* Recipes: rubbing lavender oil on the pillow or under the nose to smell. Can also drink juice with cucumber,
banana and nutmeg.
* Fact: Aromatherapy using lavender flowers make a person faster sleep well.

Cucumbers are loaded with vitamin C. Bananas contain carbohydrates and folic acid blood circulation. Nutmeg essential oil which contains mempu makes the mind becomes calm.

Dry lips

* Recipes: Apply honey on the lips.
* Fact: Honey works as an antioxidant and can maintain humecant moisture, including moisture lips so lips do
not become broken.

Teeth dull

* Recipes: mash the strawberries and mix with half a teaspoon of baking soda. Spread on the teeth, let stand for
several minutes and then wash.
Apply sparingly, because this acid can erode your teeth if used
* Fact: Strawberries contain malic acid which functions as a natural bleach.


* Recipe: Take the egg white and apply on face, use as a mask.
* Fact: Egg white albumin mangandung can serve as a moisturizer and skin tightening.


* Recipes: Soak slices in lemon chili lime juice. Apply on the scalp before shampooing.
* Fact: Orange juice contains vitamin C and fruit acids. While chili contains Capsaicin is capable of killing
bacteria or fungi that clean scalp.

Bee stings

* Recipes: Apply toothpaste or a mixture of baking soda and water on the sting. Do not forget to remove the
sting is left in the body.
* Fact: Toothpaste can neutralize the pain of the sting. Baking soda can give a sense of comfort at the wound

Burned skin or Blisters

* Recipes: Apply aloe vera on the blistered body.
* Fact: Aloe vera mucopolysaccharides containing useful as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory that helps
keep blisters are not infected with the bacteria also prevents redness due to inflammation.
content of aloe vera on prevention of swelling.
In addition, aloe vera can give cool effects that help
reduce pain.

Why Stop Smoking?

Cigarette smoking is a lifestyle that is popular in many countries, especially developing countries. Tobacco smoking has done a lot of people menggemarinya. But the cigarette behind the pleasures are many disadvantages. Why is smoking dangerous to your health? What are the negative effects of smoking?
Cigarettes have become the most popular small object. Smoking has become a way of life, many men and women, even children and teenagers. Smoking habit has led to many diseases, cancer, respiratory problems. Although people are aware of the dangers of smoking around the world continue to smoke cigarettes than a dozen billion every day.

The number of smokers in Indonesia was the third highest in the world over. The number of smokers in developing countries is much higher than the number of smokers in developed countries. Very alarming figure given the evil of the new smoking are felt in the long term.

Cigarette Ingredients

Any substance contained in a cigarette? Nicotine is the main substance found in cigarettes. However, more than 700 additional chemicals used for tobacco companies to increase the enjoyment of smoking. Some materials are so toxic, that many of the big tobacco companies are usually highly toxic substances is very dangerous to remove.

Passive smokers may have a negative impact is more terrible than they inhale tobacco smoke.
In addition, cigarette smoke contains 4000 chemicals, including arsenic, acetone, welcome, carbon monoxide and cyanide. Cigarette smoke inhaled by smokers and passive smokers are menganduk 43 substances known to cause cancer. Because second-hand smoke can have a negative impact is more terrible than they inhale tobacco smoke.

Smoking Hazards

What are the negative consequences of this destructive lifestyle to health? What are the diseases caused by smoking? Here are some of the diseases and the harmful effects of smoking:

Heart disease
Smoking is also a major cause of heart attacks. Smoker death from heart disease than lung cancer deaths. Even low-tar or low-nicotine cigarettes does not reduce the risk of heart disease. Since some of the cigarettes, which increases the carbon filter is used to breathe, which makes cigarettes are even worse than cigarettes, a heart that does not use a filter.

Nicotine contained in cigarettes can make your heart beat faster and increases your body needs oxygen. Cigarette smoke also contains carbon monoxide poisoning. This is a toxic substance into the blood stream and walked to actually prevent heart and major organs of oxygen. Nicotine may reduce blood flow, the more oxygen will slow down again. This is the reason why smoking is a risk of heart disease is very high.

Lung cancer
Since tobacco smoke contains many cancer-causing chemicals. Inhaled smoke contains many chemicals that can damage the lungs. These substances can trigger the occurrence of cancer, particularly in the lungs. Lung cancer is the most common cancer caused by smoking. The spread of lung cancer in the body in a quiet place a higher stage. In many cases, lung cancer kills quickly.

Smokers who had emphysema for years. Emphysema is a disease of the lungs gradually lose their elasticity. When the lungs lose their keelastikannya, it is difficult to remove the dirty air. Signs have begun to experience shortness of breath in the morning and evening. Then, just out of breath. Another character has often been strong with a heavy cough, cold, and possibly chronic bronchitis. The cough often does not stop and become chronic.

Old Faster
Results of the study of smokers showed that smokers in men and women in the creases more quickly than those who do not smoke. The aging process has increased in accordance with the habits and the number of cigarettes smoked. The study showed that heavy smokers have wrinkles around five times as many people who do not smoke. Even the aging process has begun in adolescents who smoke, such as skin wrinkles, yellowed teeth and the breath is very tasty.

Body damage
The negative impact of smoking not only does not harm the lungs, heart and respiratory tract. According to research by smoking may be detrimental to other body tissues. Dozens of diseases, smoking, and even includes inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia), gum disease, leukemia, cataracts, kidney cancer, cervical cancer, and pain in the pancreas. The reason for toxins in cigarette smoke spread everywhere through the bloodstream. Smoking can cause disease in nearly every organ.
DNA tests, Is Accurate and reliable?

Have you heard the term DNA test? Maybe you've heard this from your neighborhood, in the film, news or gossip celebrity on television. DNA tests or ideas to this day is the most accurate way to determine the identity and personality. What is DNA? How to check when performing a DNA test? As this test can identify someone?

DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid, or the Indonesian language is often called the idea behind the deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA or genetic material of Eden, which is located in the body of every person who has inherited from their parents. DNA is present in the cell nucleus in the structure of chromosomes and mitochondria.

Function as a plan that serves as a code for each person, as to hair color, eye shape, face shape, skin color, and others. Introduction to the structure of DNA was introduced Francis Crick, the English scientist James Watson and from the United States in 1953.

DNAUntuk structure easier to understand that DNA, you are trying to come up with punishment. The proposal consists of several words. And every word is created from an alphabet. In other words, the alphabet is a key element in many languages. The same principle can be applied to DNA. At the molecular level, "alphabet" of DNA is carried out primary. What is surprising is that the "alphabet" consists of only four letters A, C, G and T, which is a symbol of the chemical bases adenine, cytosine (cytosine), guanine and thymine. These connections form the exclusive bond in which the adenine always paired with thymine and guanine always pairs with cytosine.

The form of the DNA double helix, as with the meeting. DNA consists of 4 pairs of nucleotides A, C, G and T, are chemical compounds containing nitrogen. The sequence of bases in the DNA molecule is the determining the genetic information contained in it. In short, this sequence determines almost everything about you, from hair color, skin color, to form the nose.

Each person has 23 pairs of chromosomes, consisting of 22 pairs of somatic chromosomes and 1 pair of chromosomes determine sex. XX
chromosomes determine the sex of a person with a female and XY for a man who male. The chromosome received from the parents, half from the mother and half from the father.

DNA testing

On the mitochondrial DNA, known as mitochondrial DNA obtained from the mother in general. Tests with one mengembil mitochondrial DNA can determine whether a person has a relationship with mother's family, maternal or family relationships. By comparing the mitochondrial DNA, which has a biological mother, grandmother and brothers and sisters from the mother.

Because the mot
her is fully lowered mitochondrial DNA to her son, what about parents? Father will inherit the Y chromosome in her son (because the Y chromosome has only a male sex chromosomes, XY). Although girls do not have Y chromosomes (XX female sex chromosome).

To prove the relations in the family of the father can be done by comparing the Y chromosomes of the child with her biological father or brother of his father. Since the consideration of the Y chromosome only for boys, then how do DNA tests on the girl?

DNA testing is done by taking DNA from the somatic chromosomes. Relationship of DNA in the somatic almost the same in every individual from serving the forms and functions of organs. The sequence of errors can interfere in the issue of people. But basically, these cells also have the area known as the area of STR (short tandem repeats). This area does not give the code to do something.

PR is what is unique because it is different for each person. The difference lies in the sequence of base pairs is generated and the PR sequence repetition. AGACC sequence will be different from those who have a string AGACT. So to repeat the procedure, which is unique. STR pattern inherited from the parents.

As a DNA test?

In this example, a DNA test to prove whether a child is indeed the biological child of the husband and wife. How do I check to make the analysis of DNA, took a child, STR. In addition, the laboratory will analyze the sequence of lines STR same or with those who did plan the child. The goal is not only because the review is continuing, looking at the number of chromosomes.

For example, examination of the child found that the number of chromosome 3 has AGACT repeat sequence 2 times. If the father or mother, who claimed that his biological parents also have the same loop on the same number of chromosomes, it can be made between 2 people who have family ties.

One can say that consanguinity, if you have the same 16 STR kelurga from birth. If the order and repetition of the same, then the two people who have tested the connection, brothers or other close blood relations. This amount is quite small compared with the overall context of the spiral of our bodies, billions.

DNA tests carried out by taking a small part of your body to compare with other people. Parts that can be taken to test hair, saliva, urine, vaginal secretions, semen, blood and other body tissues. This example will not change for one lifetime. Use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs will not change the structure of DNA. The results of DNA tests will be run out of new patients can be seen in 2 / 4 weeks. Expenditure required for DNA analysis, this time from 7 to 8 million dollars.

Benefits of DNA Testing

DNA analysis is now a tendency to prove a link to their blood relations. Given the many betrayals and free sex, produced a lot of children, who questioned the origin of their parents. Because of this, many couples are doing DNA tests to prove the origin of these children were born.

Even in some countries, many medical DNA testing. Many also use DNA tests because of suspicions about their partner. Some people leave personal items owned by his partner in the clinic to be tested whether the couple communicate with other users who are not husband and wife.

The police, DNA testing is also used for forensic examination. DNA is the most rigorous evidence to verify identification than fingerprints. With DNA testing, police can provide real evidence of bodies that had been destroyed, provided that tissue samples may be taken on these corpses.

In addition, to identify family relationships, DNA also serves to identify a particular disease until the disease is complex. Because DNA testing to determine the cause of the disease, which is significantly smaller inheritance.

Technical progress has made more new things to learn. DNA is being tested, to identify the most accurate and reliable. Information about DNA tests in hopes that will help you know more closer to this process.