Hair Loss Prevention Tips

The hair is a crown for every woman. While men often have problems with baldness. Hair loss is one problem that often happens with us. To resolve this problem, try some of these tips:

1. Avoid combing hair while wet.
But let your hair dry naturally. Wet hair is easier if you're interested in a little price. The habit of combing hair when wet you should stop caring and start loving your hair so you do not have hair loss do not have.

2. Select a comb with teeth rare.
If you have a scarf or hat to wear, use, you must comb your hair first (we recommend the use of fertility drugs hair and hair loss treatments for your hair). It will wake up your hair more neat and circulation in the head.

3. Do not be too often use the hair dryer or hair dryer.
If you are forced to use a low temperature to be used. Note also the distance with a hairdryer. Keep the distance of about 10 - 15 cm of the hair shaft. Rate your hair will dry your hair of moisture damages.

4. Menggerai often or dissolve your hair.
Especially when you sleep. Eliminate the habit of tying or pinning hair stiff. This could be your hair brittle and fall out. Even the hair binding habits can make your hair grow is not good.

5. To maintain the hair moisture, we recommend the use of protective head like a scarf, hat or umbrella when you're in the sun or use.

6. For more healthy hair and also look fashionable, regularly changing the line-items and style your hair.
Change the hemisphere to ensure that the same skull are exposed to the sun in a long time. This can prevent the loss gradually.

7. Enter maintenance on specific hair at least a minimum of 2 weeks.
Do creambat activities, masks and hair treatments to beautify and nourish your hair. You dream of a beautiful and healthy hair? Follow these tips from now. Wait no more.
White Water Therapy

God has given to us had a lot of water and is free. Without money for medicines, pills, injections, diagnosis, physician wages, etc.. Just water under the disease can be cured. You will not believe it before I did. Here is a list of diseases caused by this therapy can be cured:
God has given to us had a lot of water and is free. Without money for medicines, pills, injections, diagnosis, physician wages, etc.. Just water under the disease can be cured. You will not believe it before I did. Here is a list of diseases caused by this therapy can be cured:
1. Headaches
2. Asthma
3. Hosthortobics
4. Blood Pressure
5. Bronchitis
6. Diabetes
7. Less Blood
8. TBC
9. Lungs
10. Eye Diseases
11. Rheumatism
12. Brain Inflammation
13. Paralyzed
14. A kidney stone
15. Irregular Menstruation
16. Obese
17. Urethral Disease
18. Leukemia
19. Inflammation / pain joints
20. Excess acid urat
21. Uterus cancer
22. Inflammation of the mucous membrane
23. Diarrhea
24. Breast Cancer
25. Heart Disorder
26. Dysentery
27. Throat
28. Drunk, Dizziness, Gamang
29. Hemorrhoid
30. Constipation
31. Hoes

How it works Water?

Ordinary drinking water with the right methods, the purification of the human body. This makes the colon work more efficiently through the formation of new blood, in medical terms known as aematopaises. Mucousal that folds in the colon and small intestine are activated by this method, an irrefutable fact
as the theory that new fresh blood is produced by this mucousal fold. When you clean the intestines, the nutrients from the food that you eat a few times a day will be absorbed and to work mucousal fold, nutritious food is converted into new blood.

Blood is the most important thing in the cure of the disease and maintaining health, and then the water should be drunk regularly.

How does this water therapy?

In the morning when you just stood up (even without first brushing your teeth) drink 1.5 liters of water, which means 5-6 glasses. Measure the water is better used as much as 1.5 liters. Can you know that our ancestors this therapy as "Usha paana chikitsa named.

Then you wash your face. It is important to note that not eat or drink for an hour a little before and after the intake of 1.5 liters of water. Even thorough investigation must be that alcohol the night before be. If needed, use boiled water or water that is filtered.

Is it possible to drink 1.5 liters of water at once?

For beginners, it might seem difficult to drink 1.5 liters of water at one time, but will gradually get used to it. At first, when you exercise 4 glasses, and can only drink 2 cups of the remaining gap of two minutes. Initially, you will urinate 2 to 3 times in one hour, but after a while, go back to normal. According to the research and experience, the following diseases can be familiar with this therapy can be cured in time as written below:
Constipation - 1 Day
Pulmonary tuberculosis - 3 Months
Diabetes - 7 days
Acid urat - 2 Days
Pressure - 4 Sunday
Cancer - 4 Sunday

It is recommended that people with an inflammation / joint pain and rheumatism implement this therapy three times a day, ie morning, afternoon and evening an hour before meals for a week, then twice a day until the disease heal.

We plead with you, the method above to read and practiced carefully. Luaskanlah spread the message to your friends, family and neighbors, because it is a gift to humanity. With the grace of God, every person lives a healthy life

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Walnuts Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

Eating walnuts allegedly gives the body the essential fatty acids omega-3, anti-oxidants and phytosterol, a substance that lowers the risk of breast cancer, according to a study presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society in 2009 to 100 in the American Cancer Research.
Phytosterol (which also called plant sterols) are a group of steroid alcohol, phytochemicals naturally occurring in plants.

Phytosterol-shaped white powder with a distinctive odor that is not incentive is not soluble in water and soluble in alcohol. Dust has many advantages, such as an additive to reduce cholesterol levels, as well as in medicine and cosmetics.

Elaine Hardman, assistant professor of medicine at the Marshall University School of Medicine, says, although studies done on laboratory animals and man, one must consider advice to eat more walnuts.

"Walnuts are better than cake, fresh fruit or chips and when you need snacks," says Hardman.

Hardman and his colleagues studied mice that were fed food that they expect the same with human parts, two ounces of walnuts per day. A separate group of rats was given food that is monitored.

The standard walnut consumption was significantly lower occurrence of breast tumors, the number of the gland tumors and tumor size.

"This laboratory mice in particular have 100% crops in events five months; walnut consumption inhibits tumor growth until at least three weeks," says Hardman.

Molecular analysis showed, increased consumption of omega-3 contributes to the reduction in tumor occurrence, but some other parts of the walnuts also contribute.

"With the intervention of food, you'll see a lot of mechanisms when dealing with a whole food," says Hardman. "It is clear that the walnuts contribute to healthy foods that can reduce breast cancer."