Wash your hands with True

Wash your hands is an action that is easy and cheap to prevent the spread of the disease. Our own hands instead of half seingkali more bacteria to enter our bodies. In order to obtain maximum results, you must know how to wash their hands, the technique is correct.

Why should wash their hands?

Someone suffering from influenza closed nose with his hand as sneezing, then memagang handle on the bus when the handle keeps the bacteria from the flu quickly moved to his hands and if it keeps the nose or mouth, germs can enter our bodies. This image of the ease with which germs are passed from one person to another. Diseases such as diarrhea, intestinal parasites, acute respiratory infections (ARI), tuberculosis and even deadly diseases such as SARS, avian influenza (H5N1) and swine influenza (H1N1) can prevent wash hands properly. Unfortunately, many people with these habits and crumble mengganggapnya not important. And the habit of washing their hands properly, you and your family life can be more healthy.

The way to wash your right hand

Wash your hands properly is to use soap and running water. Although the technique measures the proper handwashing is the following.

* Moisten hands with water under a faucet or water flow.
* Drink plenty of liquid soap for hands. It would be better if it contains antiseptic soap.
* Press the palms together.
* Run at your fingertips.
* Rub the palms of the new left (or vice versa) with a radius of each block (alternating) between the right and
Rub between your fingers. Doing something else.
* To put the finger to another finger back and locked to each other.
* Apply the right thumb with the palm of his left hand in a circular motion. Do the same with the left thumb.
* Hold your hands again with the other fingers moving forward, backward and turn. Doing something else.
* Keep your right wrist with his left hand and make the rotation. Not so for the left hand.
* Wash hands with soap water supply.
* Dry your hands with a tissue and when you use the tap, turn off the faucet with a tissue.

Dry with a tissue better than dry hands with a hand dryer at the mall together. As the hand dryers in a similar way to accommodate large numbers of bacteria that can spread to others.

When you have washed your hands now?

Wash your hands properly is generally done just before lunch, before preparing food, after handling raw meat, before and after touching a sick person, after using the bathroom, after coughing or sneezing or mocar be after changing diapers or understood, before and after treatment of wounds, after cleaning out the trash or, after touching animals or animal waste.

You must also teach good hand washing habits of your child is still small. A happy child to learn and touch things without knowing whether the object is dirty or not. Then he put his hand to the mouth or eating without washing their hands. As a result, the child may be suffering from the disease. According to the investigation, the cause of infant mortality of the disease in Indonesia 1 because of diarrhea, but this can be avoided by teaching children to wash their hands.

Given the importance of washing their hands every step proclaimed October 15 as World Hand Wash Day. Familiarize yourself and your family to wash their hands now.